Faigata Entprima

Ina ua amata loʻu toe foʻi mai o se fai musika, na ou manaʻomia vave se faʻavaʻa mo uluaʻi gaosiga. I le avea ai o se tagata fiafia talaʻaga ma saienisi tala faʻafiafia, o le tala i le Esekiva vaʻalele na sau i loʻu mafaufau, lea na galo ai le au tusiata a o tuʻufaʻatasia le auvaʻa. I lenei tala na ou avea le amio a le "KapeteniE", o ia o se sa avea muamua ma musika na faatonuina e saunia mo agaga o le pasese i le tulaga o musika musika i luga o le laupapa.

Faigata Entprima | Le Iuga o le Tala

Faigata Entprima | Le Iuga o le Tala

E iai taimi e muta ai se tala. Le mea na tupu ma Spaceship Entprima? As you may know the spaceship metaphor was like a protecting coat for my comeback into the music business. Now, after one year of releasing my first singles, I have to make a decision. Going on or...

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Vaʻa ma Tulafono i le Lalolagi

Vaʻa ma Tulafono i le Lalolagi

If you are busy in music business with official releases, you have to respect the rights of other musicians and organisations. We know that for years, but sometimes imagination overwhelms the caution. When we started the journey, one idea followed the other. And we...

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Tala fatu ma le moni

Tala fatu ma le moni

Maybe some people have problems with our story, and don’t understand what the real music releases have to do with the space ship metaphor. First let me say that you can also enjoy the music without any story behind. But for an extended delight it maybe interesting to...

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Faigata Entprima | Ape ma Tagata

Faigata Entprima | Ape ma Tagata

There is an imagination in our minds, that the development from ape to human is already fulfilled. But there are a lot of signals, that this is only a myth. Behaviors like hate, greed, envy and others, with all the consequences like war, genocide and cheating, prove...

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Faigata Entprima | Vaega mo Musisi

Faigata Entprima | Vaega mo Musisi

I lenei taimi o le tala (vaʻai le aso) e leai ni musika i luga ole vaʻa ole Spaceship Entprima. This fact is important to understand this post, and the music releases of this time. So the picture above shows a band on stage, what definitely is actually not possible on...

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Faigata Entprima | O Potu

Faigata Entprima | O Potu

For our music releases inside the story, it is important to mention the rooms, where the music happens. There are 2 rooms, where people come together to listen, or to dance with the music. If they want to listen in a private way, they use their communication gadget,...

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Faigata Entprima | Faʻailoaina Kapeteni E

Faigata Entprima | Faʻailoaina Kapeteni E

E tatau ona tatou taʻuina nisi amioga i luga o le vaʻalele Entprima. The onboard language was English as Lingua Franca, and official language. The passengers were free to use their native languages in private talks. In this private environments, they were also free in...

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Faigata Entprima | Muamua Musika Mea na tupu

Faigata Entprima | Muamua Musika Mea na tupu

When the passengers found the musician who probably could create the onboard music for the upcoming months, they wanted to hear some samples. The only recordings, which were available in that moment, where the last recordings of the designated music director. He...

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Faigata Entprima | Misi aoga

Faigata Entprima | Misi aoga

No doubt – the passengers were in a hurry when they entered Spaceship. They were only allowed to take some personal things with them. And also the organizers were in a hurry when they made the lists of the needed skills and chose the people for it. It was inevitable...

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Faigata Entprima | Faʻatomuaga

Faigata Entprima | Faʻatomuaga

I luma o le au faʻalogologo "Entprima Jazz Cosmonauts” get crazy, let us begin to tell the story, which is behind the music. Fans of science fiction are used to deal with time shifts. If you are not part of that community, we will give you a short introduction. All...

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