Kuwandisa & Kuchinja kwehuwandu hwevanhu

by | Jul 5, 2021 | Vanopen

Masvomhu anoratidza kuti tiri kunanga kukwiriro yepasi rose muhuwandu hwevanhu.

However, according to the historically verifiable theory of the demographic transition, the increase will come to an end in the next century and the population will decrease again. For us today this means a major challenge. All people who make an offer to customers as self-employed people notice the problem of overpopulation in their daily lives. There are more suppliers than potential buyers.

Semuimbi wekare uyo achiri kuona nyika iine hafu yevagari vepasi muhupenyu hwake hwehunyanzvi, kusimudzira kunoonekwa zvinoonekera. Izvo hazvina kumbove zvakaoma kutema kuburikidza nekutinhira kwevatengesi.

Mushure mezvose, maererano nedzidziso yekushanduka kwehuwandu hwevanhu, nyika ine runyararo uye yakabudirira itarisiro inofadza. Mubvunzo chete unosara ndewekuti vana vedu vachapona here panhamba yepamusoro yekukura kwepasirese.

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