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Geesiyaasha Habeenkii

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Eclectic Electronic Music Magazine

March 1, 2024
Horst Grabosch's books focus on the soul. His electronic music has the same theme, even if it is not soul music in the traditional sense. Each song is a little story about the state of the soul. This song is about workers on the night shift. Stylistically, it's a chilled out RnB track. However, it wouldn't be a song by Horst Grabosch if it sounded exactly like the popular songs of the RnB genre. Anyone familiar with the artist's history will know that he never copies anything, but draws on his extensive stage experience. You can assume that all stylistic experience comes from first-hand experience, and that includes merging with his own soul and personality. That's what you call 'art'.

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Xubin ka tirsan bulshadeena, kaliya kuma raaxaysan kartid nuxurka buuxa ee shabakadan, laakiin sidoo kale waxaad ka heli kartaa macluumaad dheeraad ah iyo/ama macluumaad la xidhiidha.

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Naadiga Eclectics
Iib by Horst Grabosch

Xulashadaada xiriirka caalamiga ah ee ujeeddooyinka oo dhan ( taageere | soo gudbinta | isgaarsiinta). Waxaad ka heli doontaa doorashooyin badan oo xiriir emailka soo dhaweynta.

Anagu ma afgaranno! Akhriso our Qaanuunka Arrimaha Khaaska ah waayo info dheeraad ah.