Musiqa ishlab chiqarishning oxiri

Musiqa ishlab chiqarishning oxiri

Musiqa ishlab chiqarishning tugashi Hayotda bir necha yillar davomida kundalik ishingizga ta'sir qiladigan qarorlar mavjud. 2019 yil oxirida elektron musiqa ishlab chiqarishga qaror qilganimda, bu qarorlardan biri edi. Musiqa yaratmaganim uchun o'rganishim kerak bo'lgan ko'p narsa bor edi...
Koinot kemasi ovqati

Koinot kemasi ovqati

Spaceship Diner Eclectic Electronic Music Magazine Ijrochining boshqa qo'shiqlari: Entprima Jazz Cosmonauts C Entprima Jamiyat Jamiyatimiz a'zosi sifatida siz nafaqat ushbu veb-saytda to'liq tarkibdan bahramand bo'lishingiz, balki qo'shimcha ma'lumot va/yoki tegishli...
Kosmik kemalar va Yerdagi qonun

Kosmik kemalar va Yerdagi qonun

Spaceships and Law on Earth If you are busy in music business with official releases, you have to respect the rights of other musicians and organisations. We know that for years, but sometimes imagination overwhelms the caution. When we started the journey, one idea...
Haqiqat va fantastika

Haqiqat va fantastika

Fiction vs. Reality Maybe some people have problems with our story, and don’t understand what the real music releases have to do with the space ship metaphor. First let me say that you can also enjoy the music without any story behind. But for an extended delight it...