Isikhala Entprima | Izinkawu Nabantu

by | Mar 8, 2019 | Isikhala Entprima

There is an imagination in our minds, that the development from ape to human is already fulfilled. But there are a lot of signals, that this is only a myth. Behaviors like hate, greed, envy and others, with all the consequences like war, genocide and cheating, prove the opposite. We have to fight like animals for our survival and a lot of people don’t succeed despite of total sacrifice. Culture and art is one of the most often listed proofs for the fulfilled separation from the ape genes. But how many people on earth have enough money and time to enjoy

Imidwebo Yomgede
Wake wacabanga yini ngezizathu zokupenda komhume? Kulula njengoba ucabanga. Abantu bangaleso sikhathi babenele okwanele ukudla ngoba kwakuyidlanzana nje labantu futhi nesilwane esasizingelwa kwakuwukudla kwezinsuku. Ngakho-ke saba nesikhathi esiningi sokusebenzisa ngaphandle kokulwela impilo. Futhi impela lokho kwenza ukuthi sikwazi ukuthuthukisa izimfanelo ezinhle zesintu sethu.

Isolated Space Community
Njengabantu bomhume, abagibeli beSpacehip Entprima wakha umphakathi omncane wabantu abayikhulu kuphela. Kwakukhona ukudla okwanele iminyaka, futhi inzondo, ukuhaha noma umona kwakungawenzi umqondo nhlobo. Ngokwengeziwe babe nenselelo efanayo, ebenza bazizwe benomthwalo komunye nomunye.

Ithonya kubuciko
Lokhu kusekelwa kwengqondo kube nomthelela ohlakuleleni lobuciko. Kwakunokuthula okukhulu futhi ukuxabana noma ukwahlukana kwathathelwa indawo yizimanga zobuciko. Kwakuyinto evamile ukuthi izivakashi zishiya umcimbi wobuciko ngokumamatheka. Akekho owacabanga ukuthi kuyisicefe, kodwa kuyakhuthaza. Mhlawumbe lokhu kuyindawo efanelekayo yokuzalanisa yokuqedwa koMzimba?

Captain Entprima

Iqembu le-Eclectics
Iwusokhaya Horst Grabosch

Inketho yakho yokuxhumana yendawo yonke yazo zonke izinhloso (ifeni | ukuhanjiswa | ukuxhumana). Uzothola izinketho eziningi zokuxhumana ku-imeyili yokwamukela.

Asikho ugaxekile! Funda wethu Inqubomgomo yobumfihlo ukuze uthole olunye ulwazi.