Ukuphela Kokukhiqizwa Komculo

Ukuphela Kokukhiqizwa Komculo

Ukuphela Kokukhiqizwa Komculo Kunezinqumo ekuphileni ezinomthelela ohlelweni lwakho lwansuku zonke iminyaka embalwa. Lapho nginquma ukukhiqiza umculo we-elekthronikhi ekupheleni kuka-2019, kwakungenye yalezo zinqumo. Kuningi obekumele ngikufunde njengoba bengingakawenzeli umculo...
Isikhala Entprima | Ukuphela kwendaba

Isikhala Entprima | Ukuphela kwendaba

Isikhala Entprima | The End of the Story Sometimes stories find an end. What happened with Spaceship Entprima? As you may know the spaceship metaphor was like a protecting coat for my comeback into the music business. Now, after one year of releasing my first...
I-Spaceship Diner

I-Spaceship Diner

I-Spaceship Diner Eclectic Electronic Music Magazine Izingoma Eziningi Zomculi: Entprima Jazz Cosmonauts C Entprima UmphakathiNjengelungu lomphakathi wethu, awukwazi ukujabulela kuphela okuqukethwe okugcwele ngqo kule webhusayithi, kodwa futhi uthole ulwazi olwengeziwe kanye/noma okuhlobene...
Imikhumbi-mkhathi noMthetho Emhlabeni

Imikhumbi-mkhathi noMthetho Emhlabeni

Spaceships and Law on Earth If you are busy in music business with official releases, you have to respect the rights of other musicians and organisations. We know that for years, but sometimes imagination overwhelms the caution. When we started the journey, one idea...
Inganekwane vs Iqiniso

Inganekwane vs Iqiniso

Fiction vs. Reality Maybe some people have problems with our story, and don’t understand what the real music releases have to do with the space ship metaphor. First let me say that you can also enjoy the music without any story behind. But for an extended delight it...