
Tidak semua yang ada dalam hidup adalah musik, dan kami juga memiliki hal lain dalam pikiran. Ini adalah kategori untuk hal-hal indah atau bahkan kritis lainnya dalam hidup.

Akhir Produksi Musik

Akhir Produksi Musik

There are decisions in life that have an impact on your daily routine for several years. When I decided to produce electronic music at the end of 2019, it was one of those decisions. I had a lot to learn as I hadn't made music for more than 20 years and the 120 or so...

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Mendengarkan instruksi untuk musik saya

Mendengarkan instruksi untuk musik saya

In the art world, it is not unusual for contemporary works to require an introduction to their reception, because art has the task of establishing new perspectives. Music is also fundamentally an art form. All art forms have offshoots in the form of "commercial art"....

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Kecerdasan buatan (AI) dan emosi

Kecerdasan buatan (AI) dan emosi

The use of artificial intelligence in music production has become a hot topic. On the surface, it's about copyright law, but hidden within that is the accusation that it's morally reprehensible for artists to make use of AI in production. Reason enough for a concerned...

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Disensor oleh Apple Music

Disensor oleh Apple Music

We independent artists are used to being largely ignored by the various multipliers in the music business. This is then sold to us as the will of the listener. In reality, the practice of charging for streams only makes sales in the millions worthwhile for...

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Makna Lo-Fi yang Lebih Dalam

Makna Lo-Fi yang Lebih Dalam

First a brief introduction for those who have never heard the term Lo-Fi. It defines the intention of a piece of music in terms of sound quality and is a provocative contrast to Hi-Fi, which aims for the highest possible quality. So much for the tip of the iceberg. At...

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Bahasa Ibu dan Diskriminasi

Bahasa Ibu dan Diskriminasi

Actually I would have enough other things to do, but this topic is burning on my nails. As an artist, I should be primarily concerned with my art. In my younger years, this was a difficult undertaking, if only because of the need to secure an income. That hasn't...

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Meditasi dan Musik

Meditasi dan Musik

Meditasi semakin sering digunakan secara tidak adil sebagai label untuk semua jenis musik santai, tetapi meditasi lebih dari sekadar relaksasi. Ada banyak suara jurnalis musik yang menyayangkan meningkatnya penyederhanaan musik populer. Lagu semakin pendek dan...

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Musik Elektronik Elektik

Musik Elektronik Elektik

Eklektik berasal dari bahasa Yunani kuno "eklektós" dan dalam arti harfiah aslinya berarti "dipilih" atau "dipilih". Secara umum, istilah "eklektisisme" mengacu pada teknik dan metode yang menggabungkan gaya, disiplin, atau filosofi dari waktu atau kepercayaan yang berbeda...

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Pilihan antara apa?

Pilihan antara apa?

Ya, perang di Ukraina memang mengerikan. Sama mengerikannya dengan perang di Yugoslavia, perang di Syria dan ratusan perang sebelumnya. Setelah horor datang analisis, dan di sinilah rumitnya. Tentu saja, bisa dikatakan bahwa Putin sudah gila, dan hampir...

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Dewa Kepenuhan

Dewa Kepenuhan

Kosmologi ilmiah dan spiritualitas tidak bertentangan. Gagasan tentang ciptaan - tentang Tuhan - tidak dapat muncul dari ketiadaan. Sudah waktunya untuk pemikiran berani yang menghilangkan beberapa kejanggalan. Sebagai orang yang dibesarkan dalam agama Kristen, saya, seperti banyak orang skeptis lainnya, memiliki...

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Musik sepele bisa berbahaya

Musik sepele bisa berbahaya

Musik terdiri dari suara terorganisir, ritme dan bahasa opsional. Kerangka kerja yang murah hati ini terkadang sangat berbahaya karena kecenderungan kita untuk menyederhanakan. Musik yang terlalu sederhana menurunkan kapasitas spiritualitas kita. Ini bukan hal yang sepele. Keseimbangan adalah resep rahasia dalam...

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Overpopulasi & Transisi Demografis

Overpopulasi & Transisi Demografis

Perhitungan menunjukkan bahwa kita sedang menuju puncak global dalam populasi manusia. Namun, menurut teori transisi demografis yang dapat diverifikasi secara historis, peningkatan tersebut akan berakhir pada abad berikutnya dan populasi akan berkurang lagi. Untuk kita...

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Kita harus mampu menahan kompleksitas

Kita harus mampu menahan kompleksitas

We like to create bubbles of hope so as not to despair. Yes, you fight for the good and ally yourself with like-minded people. That is important. But that doesn't make evil disappear, and ignoring it would be negligent. Defend your cause powerfully without losing your...

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Muda vs. Tua

Muda vs. Tua

Conflicts between young and old are also called generational conflicts. But why do they exist? Let’s take a look at it. First, let’s remember the different phases of life. Childhood and school years Entry into working life Building a career and/or family Leadership...

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Yes, I am guilty! Since I started my second, late career as a musician in 2019, I've been searching for the right genre that roughly describes my music and for musicians who follow a similar artistic approach as me. A few days ago, I stumbled across the term...

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Musik Elektronik Bukan Gaya!

Musik Elektronik Bukan Gaya!

Unfortunately, "electronic music" has become established in pop music as a kind of style description. This is not only fundamentally wrong, but also distorts the view of the whole for young listeners. A visit to Wikipedia can be useful here: Electronic Music. The...

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Apakah Keragaman Membingungkan?

Apakah Keragaman Membingungkan?

Of course, diversity is confusing at first, but as the Persian poet Saadi said hundreds of years ago: “Everything is difficult before it becomes easy”. For example, a single person called Horst Grabosch memiliki tiga identitas artis sebagai produser musik – Entprima Jazz...

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Beethoven vs Drake

Beethoven vs Drake

No doubt about it – Ludwig van Beethoven was an outstanding composer. Nevertheless, when viewed objectively, it is astonishing how penetratingly his, and other works of so-called classical music, are still performed by the highly subsidised symphony orchestras 200...

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Apakah Musik Pop Semakin Membosankan?

Apakah Musik Pop Semakin Membosankan?

The decisive answer is – NO If you take a very deep look at Spotify, for example, you will find an enormous variety of music. The question is, who does that? Of course, there are listeners who are always on the lookout for new sounds, but these are only a few music...

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Musik dan Emosi

Musik dan Emosi

There are many people who find it difficult to deal with emotions. Mental injuries or childhood traumas are only two of many reasons. The protective mechanisms of the soul (e.g. irony) are just as varied. But this does not mean that these people are emotionless. On...

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Pendekatan Global Saya

Pendekatan Global Saya

Photo: NASA On 21 July 1969 at 2.56 a.m. world time Neil Armstrong set foot on the moon. I was 13 years old at that time. It wasn’t until 6 years later that I became aware of the dimension of this photo, when I moved into my first own flat. In the boxes I found the...

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Mesin, Kemiskinan dan Kesehatan Mental

Mesin, Kemiskinan dan Kesehatan Mental

Machines, poverty and mental health are the three main issues that concern me – and they are all partly related. As is often the case, the connections are complex and not immediately obvious. When I became unable to work as a performing musician in 1998, a very...

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Lagu sosial politik dan genre kegilaan

Lagu sosial politik dan genre kegilaan

It has always been difficult to find the right genre for his own music. Especially in the streaming age the right drawer is important for addressing the audience and multipliers (playlisters, press etc.). No real artist thinks of genres when writing a song. Especially...

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Pernyataan umum

Pernyataan umum

Introduction When you get older, you start to think about the meaning of your past and future life. As an artist is often shaken by life, it is obvious that you can put yourself in the position of other shaken people. It is called empathy. Most people in the world...

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Cara Komunikasi Kami

Cara Komunikasi Kami

When I decided in 2019 to become artistically active again and to produce music, there was of course the task of ensuring the dissemination of my music, because art is worthless without an audience. When companies and artists advertise their products, this can be...

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Promosi dan Hak

Promosi dan Hak

My first period as a music professional ended at the age of 40. Like most of all musicians, I was a performing artist, not a holder of rights. Not until I became well known in the scene, I got some requests for compositions. I tell this, because it is extremely...

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Angka itu Penting

Angka itu Penting

You will know the behavior, that some big numbers are mentioned first to underline importance in a message. The word „million“ should be part of such a message. The psychologic impact of such numbers is well known, often criticized, but still evident and not to...

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Promosi Musik sebagai Contoh untuk Semua Bisnis

Promosi Musik sebagai Contoh untuk Semua Bisnis

If we talk about music promotion, there are some very interesting aspects as an example for all business. We have a very direct insight on impacts of each campaign. The most significant one ist the fact, that the customer doesn't have to pay anything to grab your...

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Promosi Media Sosial

Promosi Media Sosial

As the owner of a music label and producer of music, there is no getting away from social media promotion. This can be exhausting at times when you notice that contributions only have a half-life of a few hours, or at most days. It is therefore extremely important to...

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Pendekatan Baru

Pendekatan Baru

Biarkan saya hari ini berbicara tentang pendekatan baru Entprima. When musicians try to get into the music business, they have a huge problem. If they are totally newcomers, no label will be interested in them. First they have to prove their ability to reach an audience with DIY...

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