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Spaceship Affairs

Entprima Jazz Cosmonauts Symbol

Eclectic Electronic Music Magazine

January 17, 2022
Let the author speak himself: Hello listeners, this is Horst Grabosch with a foreign voice. Like a late message after death – read by a robot. We know that from science fiction films, don’t we? And science fiction is my keyword. Even my second CD, which came out more than 30 years from today, was based on a science fiction novel, and stories from outer space still fire my imagination. This compilation, which brings together songs with the topic of outer space, still begins on earth. “Star Dream Waltz” is about a child’s dream of flying and airport scenes. But already with “Massive Space Shuffle” we are clearly in space. Both titles are part of the stage play “From Ape to Human”, which, however, deals more with the topic of “man and machine”. This is followed by everyday scenes from a fictional spaceship. I came up with the three “Diner” songs and the “Ambient” song as machine-produced music that resounds from the speakers during dinner or in the corridors of the spaceship – more like background music. It is quite different with the 8D tracks. These songs represent emotional moments in which four astronauts meet to improvise with their instruments in order to mentally process the endless journey. In fact, these pieces of music are based on recordings from 1995 that were meant to translate exactly this plot into improvised music. The overdubs and sound alienations are from 2021. The final track stands out because it not only contains German vocals, but also describes a fictional live scene. While, as previously described, music is normally produced by the intelligent coffee machine during dinner, in this scene there is a small concert by a young person born on board. By the way – this is my son more than 10 years ago. He stopped struggling through the music business a long time ago. Have fun on the journey.