Captain Entprima

Who is it?

The development into an artistic entity is logical. Since within the new Entprima concept with the three goals: Respect – Prosperity – Serenity, three different music genres are also addressed, Captain Entprima was actually only considering the “Chill & Relax” area.


Already in the fictional story of the Spaceship Entprima there was a “Captain E” who was responsible for the soul of the passengers. Later on, “Captain Entprima” was used as a stage name for the Entprima mastermind Horst Grabosch, and then developed into the current artist entity Captain Entprima.

The Story

Captain Entprima enriches sounds of nature with mystical, magical and majestic sounds. The ideal counterbalance to the stirring lyrics of Entprima Jazz Cosmonauts. It is always the balance between the poles of different aspects that leads you to serenity without ignorance. Serenity is often confused with indifference. A globally thinking, empathic person sees so much suffering on the planet that total despair threatens. But desperation does not help anybody one step further. The goal is powerful acting serenity.

What has developed in the time since the musical comeback of mastermind Horst Grabosch is of course also determined by chance. Nevertheless, the circles are closing in an astonishing way. There are already hints in the preceding musical stories, but also the music developed in such a way that it results in an organic story. A stroke of luck for the creator of Entprima and a reason for the greatest humility towards the highest, unknown creator of the universe.

Le Chant des Sirènes - Captain Entprima
Soul Purifying Wind - Captain Entprima
The Blue Cavern - Captain Entprima
Sounds within Liquids - Captain Entprima
Captain Entprima

Club of Eclectics
Hosted by Horst Grabosch

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