General Statement
When you get older, you start to think about the meaning of your past and future life. As an artist is often shaken by life, it is obvious that you can put yourself in the position of other shaken people. It is called empathy. Most people in the world have to fight hard for their lives, even without wars. They don’t need them to experience suffering. I want to give these people an extra voice. I am firmly convinced that this silent majority of humanity wishes for nothing more than a humble and peaceful world.
If this were a selectable option, hardly anyone would chase after another ideology. We must break through the power of opinion makers to put an end to misery. I am neither capitalist nor communist – I am an inhabitant of this planet, and I have a right to its wealth. Politicians are elected and are paid to share and preserve it, and to organize human society – not to satisfy their personal sensitivities. The worst thing that could happen to foreign-controlled politicians would be a global unity of people in these most basic demands. Let us make them public together. It is only one sentence: “Let us live modestly in peace!“
But what does all this mean for the music? After all, this is a music site. This is exactly the question I asked myself after the first year of my comeback as a musician. What I found out made me more confident as an artist, but was a nightmare for marketing, because the highest goal of marketing is a clearly defined artist image with a stylistic focus.
However, my approach must be holistic if the above is not to be a beautiful illusion. Dedicated lyrics that describe the misery are a need for me, but since they tend to lead to depression in sensitive people rather than change anything, a counterbalance is needed. After all, I want people to feel powerful despite knowing the misery in the world, because otherwise nothing will change.
That’s why I decided to create this counterweight in my music as well. For this purpose I have created two new artist profiles, which are dedicated to relaxation on the way to serenity, and joy of life in the form of dance. Whatever this means for my chances on the music market – it is my way.
The Message
First I thought about what hurt my soul the most and three things came up: contempt – poverty – despair. And these things did not always concern only my person, but I also felt it as a violation when it concerned other people. In summary, this meant the global fight for the opposite:
I am no idealist, and love is sometimes too much of a good thing for me. I think that respect which excludes racism and nationalism per se is enough. Respect also allows a personal retreat when other attitudes to life conflict too much with one’s own.
Wealth is always relative. But I would grant everyone the right to enough food, a solid roof over their heads and the opportunity to develop their talents. If some people think they need to keep the current prosperity gap, they should buy a few more luxury cars – what the hell – I’m not a communist.
The first two demands are a prerequisite for making serenity possible for the poor at all. It is likely to be a great challenge for all the half-rich, because in my opinion the hunt for the WORK-LIFE-BALANCE is nothing else but the fight against the constantly threatening poverty in the existing social system.