Und auf einmal sang der Golem neben mir

Eclectic Electronic Music Magazine
September 13, 2024
It is noticeable that Horst Grabosch has recently turned more and more to his mother tongue, German. This album shines above all with its more or less satirical song lyrics, which have already appeared as poems in his book 'Und auf einmal stand ich neben mir'. The music was created in dialog with an AI, which was obviously freed from any flat copying addiction in the dialog. The fact that Grabosch moves carefree through all styles of music is nothing new and has always been one of his artistic characteristics. The combination of his enigmatic and humorous lyrics, which are reminiscent of Deichkind or Peter Fox, with the music of the AI creates a depth that somehow exudes a great deal of romance despite all the satire. How the 'AI whisperer' achieves this by manipulating the AI designs will probably remain his secret. The listener cannot fail to notice that an accomplished music professional was at work here as well as a poet.