3SIO by Horst Grabosch

#3SIO is a department for text-based content that deals exclusively with the topic of soul. 4 books on this topic will be the first to be available online in all available translations that the entire website allows.

Later on, the main work “Dancing with the Angels”, which is already being edited, will be available to subscribers. This will be followed by further guides on individual topics relating to this book. “#3SIO” is the abbreviation for 3-sphere individual optimization. It is about optimizing the interaction of body, mind and soul.

I normally follow a rule that says you only offer content when it is available. In this case, I have to deviate from this rule because the preparations are so extensive that the new, already established structure would only become visible when parts of the content are already available.

Due to the increasingly restrictive and socially questionable practices of major media and distribution platforms such as X, TikTok, Spotify, YouTube, Patreon and many others, I have decided to set up my own distribution channel on this website. That in itself is important news that I no longer want to keep quiet about. The content is currently being added and will soon be available to subscribers. Of course, there will also be a free membership to get to know our offer.

Members of our “Club of Eclectics” will have access to the ‘Free’ version of the upcoming Community Membership.

Captain Entprima

Club of Eclectics
Hosted by Horst Grabosch

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