
Eclectic Electronic Music Magazine
June 30, 2023
So how should we classify this song? The only word we can clearly understand from the voices is 'Easy' and that's exactly how the song comes across. It's not the first time Grabosch has poured out his magic over a fairly commercial base. Yes, there are a lot of samples involved, but so ingeniously integrated that soul really shines through and in addition there are his inconspicuous but pretty melodies, which he always artfully puts together from the samples or plays in himself. Easy is a song that puts you in a good mood. A young couple walks on the beach and protect themselves with an umbrella against the sun. Everything is easy, even listening, as melodic elements reminiscent of easy listening of the 90's resound over the loose electro house groove. An eclectic mix of modern electronic music and traditional elements of pop history. Swinging chillout music.
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