#3SIO Space: And Suddenly I Was Beside Myself
Entprima Community Premium Content - Department: #3SIO
Beyond the industry formats of paper editions and e-books, books can also be published in HTML. The invaluable advantage is that HTML texts can be translated directly by web services. Of course, machine translations cannot translate literary works perfectly and with poetry it is usually impossible, but with prose literature at least the story can be recognized well.
There are several projects that combine text and music in sometimes unusual ways. The texts have different functions. The stage play “From Ape to Human” is a more conventional example and corresponds to the use of texts in a musical or operetta. Song lyrics are also common uses. With the setting of poems to music, however, we are already on somewhat more unusual terrain, especially when the texts are not sung. The combinations where the text does not appear within the music at all, but acts as a commentary add-on, are particularly special. There is even a whole book about the music album “LUST”. As a rule, we have combined text and music within a space in this community area. Sometimes, however, the correlations have not appeared 1:1, as with “LUST”, but texts for several music releases have been combined in one book. In #3SIO we start from the text publications and link the matching music spaces in #3Musix.
And Suddenly I Was Beside Myself
Poems for the Music "Far Beyond Understanding"
This part of the book can be read together with listening to the music, it was made for. Enjoy this kind of multimedia.
From the corresponding #3Musix Space: “From his books we know that Horst Grabosch is intensively engaged in the search for the soul. It is natural that this is also reflected in all his songs. Now here is a musical statement explicitly dedicated to the search for the soul. The author and composer uses all his knowledge of musical mechanisms to create a work that is as emotional as it is logical. Each track is worth listening to on its own, but in running through the entire album, together with the well-chosen and poetic titles of the tracks, a journey into the life of the soul unfolds, which is more than soothing background music for a meditation exercise. It is itself an acoustic meditation exercise. Whether you are spiritually inclined or not doesn’t matter with the music. Through skillfully applied psychoacoustic effects, you will inevitably be drawn into a world of wonder, far beyond comprehension. Listening with headphones enhances the pleasure.”
Song Lyrics of the Music: "Heroes of Labour"
This part of the book can be read together with listening to the music, it was made for. Enjoy this kind of multimedia.
From the corresponding #3Musix Space: “It began with one of my humorous little poems. I had the busy nurse Hildegard in mind, who does her hard work with great equanimity and affection for her patients. As all my poems are usually very rhythmic due to my past as a professional musician, it made sense to set them to music. However, it was only a quatrain, so a short refrain at best. Making a virtue out of necessity is certainly one of my strengths. So I invented this kind of short song, which I could spice up even more if it told three episodes with the same musical basis and alternating solo instruments. This is how the 4 EPs summarised here came about. The poems have a very special poetic language and are actually almost impossible to translate. Nevertheless, I have added a translation so that you know what is happening.”
Other Parts of this Book
The first part of this book contains poems in German language. Regarding that this poems are mostly in a strict rhythm with rhymes, they are nearly impossible to translate. Only a professional translator of poetry could perhaps produce an adequate translation into a single language in which he or she has complete mastery, but that would not get us much further in our multilingual approach. For this reason, we will not attempt to do so, because the essentials would inevitably be lost.