#3SIO Space: And Suddenly I Was Beside Myself

Entprima Community Premium Content - Department: #3SIO

Beyond the industry formats of paper editions and e-books, books can also be published in HTML. The invaluable advantage is that HTML texts can be translated directly by web services. Of course, machine translations cannot translate literary works perfectly and with poetry it is usually impossible, but with prose literature at least the story can be recognized well.

There are several projects that combine text and music in sometimes unusual ways. The texts have different functions. The stage play “From Ape to Human” is a more conventional example and corresponds to the use of texts in a musical or operetta. Song lyrics are also common uses. With the setting of poems to music, however, we are already on somewhat more unusual terrain, especially when the texts are not sung. The combinations where the text does not appear within the music at all, but acts as a commentary add-on, are particularly special. There is even a whole book about the music album “LUST”. As a rule, we have combined text and music within a space in this community area. Sometimes, however, the correlations have not appeared 1:1, as with “LUST”, but texts for several music releases have been combined in one book. In #3SIO we start from the text publications and link the matching music spaces in #3Musix.

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