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Christmas for Lunatics

Entprima Jazz Cosmonauts Symbol

Eclectic Electronic Music Magazine

November 25, 2022
2 years ago we were amazed when Horst Grabosch, with his project Entprima Jazz Cosmonauts released a Christmas song. At that time we could discover for the first time the romantic side of the otherwise often biting artist - but only in the music. The lyrics, disguised as a documentary, revealed his biting side again. The result of this mixture reflected his ambivalent nature. Today, a clearly biting Christmas song is on the gift table for 2022. On the basis of "Joy to the World" and this time under his civil name, he takes the Christmas concern with rockets and other war equipment violently on the joke. But again, the song has very pleasing sides.
Tanze mit den Engeln - Horst Grabosch

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