Dance With the Angels

Apr 19, 2024 | Books

Never before has there been so much information about how we function and the world we live in. Unfortunately, we seem to get lost in the recognizable diversity. We are desperately looking for simple explanations to keep our mental overload in check. This makes us susceptible to manipulations of all kinds, which even make submission seem attractive as a way out of the torment of our souls. But how can we recognize ourselves in our uniqueness without losing our minds, and what actually is the soul? The artist Horst Grabosch also asked himself this question and created an easily understandable model of the interplay between body, mind and soul based on an honest introspection. With this toolbox in his luggage, he found so many answers to the question of the meaning of life that he decided to publish this book. Philosophy, music, poetry, politics and everyday stories mingle in his observations to create an almost intoxicating cocktail of insights.
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Books by Horst Grabosch are written and published in his mother tongue, German. For some books there are translations by Entprima Publishing, which are exclusively available for  members of the Community. Translation not yet available .