#3SIO Space: On the Trail of the Soul
Entprima Community Premium Content - Department: #3SIO
Beyond the industry formats of paper editions and e-books, books can also be published in HTML. The invaluable advantage is that HTML texts can be translated directly by web services. Of course, machine translations cannot translate literary works perfectly and with poetry it is usually impossible, but with prose literature at least the story can be recognized well.
Bodo, a bon vivant, and Gudrun, a teacher, live in a relaxed, childless married couple until Bodo gets the idea to try his hand as a life counsellor. His first client is a 66-year-old pensioner who only wants to be mysteriously called ‘Alexis’. Alexis is struggling with his life story and expects Bodo to participate in the search for his soul in order to simplify his seemingly haphazard life. Bodo gets a little off track by dealing with his client’s history, which puts a strain on his relationship with Gudrun. When Gudrun is then also confronted with the viciousness of the almost eponymous pupil Alexa, the relationship begins to crack for the first time. Gudrun seeks advice from her motherly friend Elke, who runs a traditional bakery with her husband Hans. In the confidential conversation between women, Gudrun has to face some unpleasant truths and discovers that the supposedly unproblematic life of Elke and Hans also has turbulent moments. In the end, Bodo and Gudrun manage to find their way back to serenity. Although Bodo acts completely unprofessionally in his counselling, Alexis already experiences an astonishing change of heart after the sixth and last session. Elke and Hans give up their business and retire. Alexa makes a dramatic decision.