#3Musix Space: Reflective Songs
Entprima Community Premium Content - Department: #3Musix
This compilation covers an entire creative phase of the Entprima mastermind Horst Grabosch. It was the beginning of his late vocation as a producer of electronic music. The music was integrated into a space fantasy in which an Exodus spaceship was supposed to be searching for a new habitat for humans. The names of the record label and of Horst’s former favourite genre and the theme gave rise to the name of the artist’s identity: ‘Entprima Jazz Cosmonauts’. Horst had spent the last few years before his retirement working as an information technologist and was therefore very familiar with computers. Nevertheless, familiarising himself with music production took a lot of effort and time. Therefore there are only a few songs from this time, but within the story the seed was planted not only for the following identities ‘Captain Entprima’ and ‘Alexis Entprima’ but also for his later work as a writer. – Estimated watchtime: 50 minutes.
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All content written and produced by Horst Grabosch
The Music - Runthrough
Songs sung in English
The Bard of Lost Dreams - Comment + Lyrics
When my spaceship fantasy slowly ran out of steam, I wanted to continue with new songs. As I have always been a very social and critical person, socially critical songs would be a sensible task. But first I wanted to set an older poem of mine to music as a starting point. The song ‘Ich bin der Barde deiner nie geträumten Träume’, which appears later in the playlist, is the German version of the poem with a completely different musical mood.
I am the loveliest you ever hated in this world
I can give you things, you cannot buy with gold
You don’t suspect, you never ever knew
what really matters in this wondrous lifestyle brew
I am the bard of your dreams that you never dreamed
I am the ghost you didn’t recognize before
But I am everything with value for your life
I hit your senses like a highly sharpened knife
I am the Flash, that blinds your fragile eyes
A lightning bolt that finally wakes you up
Which comes and goes according to no plan
But cools your mind like a blowing fan
I am the bard of your dreams that you never dreamed
I am the ghost you didn’t recognize before
But I am everything with value for your life
I hit your senses like a highly sharpened knife
The Ways We Go - Comment + Lyrics
“The Ways We Go” is a song about miners. The mood of the music is as gloomy as the mines where the hard work is done. To a dragging dubstep rhythm, the protagonist sings about his work, which cost him his life at a young age. The despair is palpable, and the indifference of fellow human beings is also thematized – “Let’s dance to forget – let’s forget the regret”. This is not a song to dream to. “I have to go before the sun is rising – I will be back when life is gone” is the last line of the song.
I have to go before the sun is rising
I will be back when moon is out
My way is muddy from the rain
There’s desperation in my brain
Maybe I get some money
Would like to meet the taste of honey
The mine is deep and dark
No time for sentiments
Oh, I’m a lucky man, when I’m not shot on my way
Or being robbed one time a week, when I get my pay
Let’s turn serious – this is only my nightmare
But I know it’s reality somewhere
Don’t you feel the pain?
Don’t you taste the rain?
Let’s dance to forget
Let’s forget the regret
Our dreams are made of gold
We stay on hold
I ask you: Don’t you feel the pain?
I ask you: Don’t you taste the rain?
Let’s dance now to forget
And let us forget the regret
Your dreams are made of gold
You should still stay on hold
I have to go before the sun is rising
I will be back when life is gone
Summer on the Island - Comment + Lyrics
An almost cynical title. It begins with a news item about refugees in the Mediterranean. To the sound of steel drums, a young couple talk about their successful holiday on the island, which could be called ‘Lampedusa’, while people on a rubber dinghy fight for their lives.
International organizations are concerned about the fate of dozens of refugees whose rubber dinghy has been missing in the Mediterranean since the weekend. The boat has apparently capsized.
According to the German sea rescue organisation Sea Watch, 85 people were presumably on the dinghy. Sea Watch as well as United4Rescue, also a German organization, said they had sighted this boat and three other refugee boats in distress off the southern coast of Malta over the weekend.
Look at the dinghy dancing on the waves.
The people on board are waving both arms – let’s wave back.
Remember to protect your sensitive skin from the sun.
It’s so beautiful in summer on the island.
I wonder how long it would take to get from mainland to here in a dinghy.
You’ll need a motor, won’t you?
Let’s play with the ball.
I’ll throw it and you catch it.
Feel how hot the sand is.
Tonight we will have cold drinks.
I am feeling so good!
It is summer on the island and the sun is shining hot
All the children on the playground have the right origin spot
Parents laugh about the dinghy dancing wildly on the waves,
but wish warmly all the best to the plucky fighting braves
I Wonder How Strong I Could Be - Comment + Lyrics
‘I Wonder How Strong I Could Be’ is about the questionable production conditions of fast fashion.
You look infinitely cool in your new blue jeans
A bargain, considering how far those pants have traveled
Yes indeed. A journey around the world including the destruction of our nature and exploitation of people
We could change it if we shopped more responsibly, couldn’t we?
I wonder, I wonder how strong I could be
It bursts in my brain like a thunder
I wonder, I wonder how rude you can be
You will believe I can’t see
Don’t take me for a fool
I recognize your greed
Now I call out loud
We are the crowd
We’re going to get what’s coming to us
We’re not thinking about sustainability
We don’t want to see the suffering of other people
Because we are fashion junkies
You work in a Chinese bleach factory and ruin your health for my jeans?
I am also at the bottom of the food chain
We have no money to buy clothes of value
But we could join forces and make a difference
I wonder, I wonder how strong I could be
It bursts in my brain like a thunder
I wonder, I wonder how rude you can be
You will believe I can’t see
Don’t take me for a fool
I recognize your greed
Now I call out loud
Ee are the crowd
It would take a lot of time to change something
And I don’t even know you
And you’re gonna lose your lousy job too
But if we do nothing, nothing will change
Maybe I could develop a self-esteem
Free me from my addiction to the latest fashions
Maybe you could become my friend
Maybe we could share some dreams
Avoid Cable Cars to Mountain Peaks - Lyrics
This is a poem set to music. If everything has to happen quickly, you might miss the decisive encounters in your life and only reach your grave more quickly.
There was written on a metal plate:
Top view on earth to love or hate
Ten minutes with the cable car
By foot maybe a little far
Hundred loops to reach the peak
Forgot sometimes what was my seek
I did the hike so fast and brave,
when I saw this was my grave
When I reached a sunny alm,
it was time to become calm
The shepherd there looked old and wild,
but he was still a little child.
He never reached the upper region,
because he didn’t see a reason
He will be taken up to higher grounds,
when he will hear the angel’s sounds
We listened to the wind and bells
far away from noise of hells
Then we simply forgot to die,
and later also to ask why
Lullaby for a War Drone - Comment + Lyrics
Eclectic Electronic Music Magazine: “Irony at its best. A really beautiful ballad with extremely biting lyrics. Rightly, the song is marked as “Explicit”, because this is not for children or weak nerves. The war drone has no weapons yet and has to go to sleep for now. But already the next morning the good fairy has brought beautiful weapons, with which the drone can finally kill. What a beautiful lullaby! First the lyrics are spoken by a Brit, then mom and dad sing the song – of course it’s machines singing, but a layman can hardly tell it apart from real people. The machines are getting better and better at what they do.”
Don’t cry, don’t cry little war drone
you are still young
not ready for war
We will turn you off now for the night
come quiet now
dream sweetly of the war
Tomorrow you will wake up in new glory
wonderfully equipped
with new arms
Field of Love - Comment + Lyrics
“Field of Love” makes rudimentary use of the recitative and aria form. In the two recitative passages, a recitative by Johann Sebastian Bach from the St Matthew Passion is quoted in the accompanying parts. The song is spiritual in a way because the hope for the scientifically unimaginable is described. What is meant, however, is rather the emotional side of hope as a counterpart to the despair at abuse of children. The abuse of children is a terrible crime against humanity. Whether it is sexual abuse, the use of child soldiers or other mental cruelty, there is no excuse for it. We are left only with the sweet hope that love will ultimately win the race.
Come along, fly inside and feel that field of love
On our odyssey through space, we reached an oscillating field that took up the entire field of view. There seemed to be no way around it and we were very afraid. The closer we got, we could hear children’s voices singing incessantly.
You need not be afraid. Come in, we won’t hurt you. Here live souls of abused children who wanted nothing more than love. When you wish for something so fervently, it comes into being. This is the field of love.
Come along, fly inside and feel that field of love
Life Is Not Endless My Dear - Comment +Lyrics
The title speaks for itself – see lyrics. Be aware that I was a trumpet player until a burnout killed my abilities to play the instrument.
Life is not endless, my dear. As the end approaches, you will reflect on many things that seemed so self-evident. What mistakes have I made? Have I sent enough love into the world? Do I still have enough time to close the gaps? It is never too late to make peace with your soul. The sooner you start, the more happiness you can shed. Open your mind to eternity. One is already waiting.
Take me home
but leave my body out
take my pillow
and lay my lonely soul on it
Call my loves
and take their sorrows in your hands
give them love and please show
them the way to eternity
Songs sung in German - translated
Ich bin der Barde deiner nie geträumten Träume
Original poem – translated:
I am the dearest thing you hate in this world. 
I have what you can’t buy for money.
You have no idea, you never knew what really mattered in this wondrous world.
I am the bard of your never dreamt dreams.
I am the spirit that was never called.
 Yet I am everything that really makes sense in life, but unasked and foreshortened for the senses.
I am the flash that dazzles your eyes; that once really sprayed great spirit; that comes and goes according to no clock’s plan.
 I am your unknown human dream and delusion.
You don’t need to give me a finger, because I always take more than your outstretched arm. 
I am the Dyson of your stale dreams.
With me you enter unimagined spaces.
Just look into my abysmal eyes once and I’ll suck out your soul brew.
 Then you’ll be nothing but a stripped skin and you can wake up – strong and uninhibitedly loud.
I am the bard of your never dreamt dreams.
I am the spirit that was never called.
 Yet I am everything that really makes sense in life, but unasked and foreshortened for the senses.
You become the worst thing a weak father could wish for, but freedom becomes your beloved brother. 
The pavement melts beneath your steps, just as sin melts in the embers of the volcano.
Come with me on the path of true love, free from religion and repression; for our God is greater still, and love is his simple plan.
I am the bard of your never dreamed dreams. 
I am the spirit that was never called.
 But I am everything that really makes sense in life, yet unasked and very abbreviated for the senses.
Die WĂĽrde des Menschen ist unantastbar
Quote from the German constitution: Human dignity is inestimable
Der Preis des Wollens
Original Poem – translated:
When the moonlight sleeps softly on the hills, a soul goes travelling. In the shadows, she patiently wanders through the valley with its lush moss. Then it climbs the hill to the finger of the moon and rests its head on the edge of its light. The soul sinks into the greatest cup of happiness and opens itself to the unwanted, which fulfils it without price. How she would love to tell the one who wants unceasingly.
But she lacks the voice – he lacks the ears.
 So he continues to bear the burden of the prize and forgets what has already been given to him a thousand times over.
Vermeide Seilbahnen zu Berggipfeln
This is the German version of “Avoid Cable Cars to Mountain Peaks“.
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Summer Breeze
Summer Breeze is a collaboration with our live act “Entprima Live”. The title is sung by the wonderful singer Janine Hoffmann and belongs in this space, because the lyrics of the song deal with ageing in a very thoughtful way. It’s all about memories.