Social Media Promotion

by | Nov 25, 2019 | Fanposts

As the owner of a music label and producer of music, there is no getting away from social media promotion. This can be exhausting at times when you notice that contributions only have a half-life of a few hours, or at most days.

It is therefore extremely important to reach the right target group so that the articles don’t evaporate in the first place. Now the social media channels are used by quite different people despite the similarity of the technology.

LinkedIn is known as a business channel, and it only makes limited sense to promote art here. Some of them are certainly already rubbing themselves against the term “promotion”. But if we remain honest, every public statement has the purpose of promotion, otherwise you could let it be.

The question remains how I can reach users of a channel without falling into flat advertising. The ridge is narrow and also not very selective. But if you meet the interests of the users, they can also benefit. With two followers in one year I certainly missed that completely. After all, the number of people interested in my personal profile is increasing.

Analyzing situations and drawing conclusions from them is also part of social media strategies. So what does the analysis tell me? The contributions arouse interest in the person behind them, but the topic itself is not of particular interest here. What is to be done?

If you don’t have anything else to say outside the topic, you can safely switch off the channel. Then it’s not worth the effort. However, the operation of a music label also has a business side. And that is enormous in the case of music production. What could be more obvious than chatting about this site here? It might be very interesting for many users, how one manages to generate attention for his thing. And that even without a big budget, which is the normal state of affairs for the many passionate musicians who want to go to the sun of the market.

Come on, let’s do it! I hope to strike the right blow so that, on the one hand, interest does not slacken and, on the other, it does not get on your nerves. And lo and behold, we have already touched on a first topic in this “preface”.

In theory, music marketing is not very complicated, but the devil is in the details. Without constant learning of the laws of the market, you are in a lost cause.