The New Approach

by | Nov 18, 2018 | Fanposts

Let me today speak about a new approach of Entprima. When musicians try to get into the music business, they have a huge problem. If they are totally newcomers, no label will be interested in them. First they have to prove their ability to reach an audience with DIY (do-it-yourself).

There are unpaid gigs, invests in equipment and demo productions, marketing and so on. Sure they are hopeful to be enough talented and to have the right music for a glamorous career. But there is no prove on the short track.
There is no other solution for that, then a tremendous long breath. But meanwhile the global music business develops and maybe they lose the contact to the contemporary taste of the public. The whole thing get very shaky. There is only one way to follow the own instinct by doing everything self and using the possibilities of todays digital tools.

For that you need musical talents plus marketing talents on top. But maybe there is not enough time to manage both. So the only chance is to see it as a life project and to do what you love. Not everybody is ready for that approach. Maybe your dream of a successful career is bigger than the love to music, maybe you have to finance a family, or fulfill other everyday’s requirements.
That is exactly the position Entprima was in, when I decided to take over the whole stuff. And most of the former musicians are still at my side, but not everyone on the forefront of the business. So I am a happy man, to be back in music after 20 years without my former passion.

I enjoy to produce music with unknown talents, and believe me, it is worth to hear that music! I also added jazz music to the portfolio of the music brand Entprima, because jazz is my passion, and I give a shit on all rumors that it don’t fit to the dance-pop titles, which are popular with former Entprima productions.

Because – what at all on this crazy planet fits to other things? So enjoy the dance music, if you want to have fun, and enjoy the jazz music, if you need some food for your mind.

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